Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Mandodari- one of the Panch-Kanyas- the five Virgins

   All of us know that Ahalya, Draupadi, Sita, Tara and Mandodari are the Panch-Kanyas, who are respected as well as prayed to in our Hindu Mythology. But today I am going to talk about Mandodari, the wife of the demon king Ravana. Mandodari, is said to be the most beautiful women among the Asuras. Though she was married to a asura she never had the qualities. She always was beside her husband till the end and always persuaded him to return Sita back to Rama and get his blessings. 

   After the death of Ravana, the incident which happened in the war field was a heart tearing sight. Everyone, including Lord Rama and Lakshmana were dumbstruck and flabbergasted. As soon as the news of Ravana's death reached the ears of Mandodari, she came to the war field. Vibhishana, who was beside Rama couldn't see his sister-in-law's face and hid his face with his hands. Only, the sobbing sound could be heard. As Mandodari saw her husband dead she couldn't bear the sight, and it is said that her crying was so heart melting that it was heard in all the three worlds. Within minutes, she fell on the body of Ravana. All the asura maids who had accompanied immediately rushed to her help and lifted her thinking that she had fainted. But, then they realized that she was also dead and not fainted. 

    Everyone were shocked. No one had any words to say. Lakshmana was confused as well as stuck with emotions. He asked Rama the reasons for Mandodari's death, for which, Rama answered that if a wife had extreme love and affection on her husband, then such things happen. Lakshmana had another question in  his mind. He asked Rama the reason why his mothers and vali's wife Tara were still alive even after their father's death and whether they were not devoted and loved their husbands. For this, Rama answered that even after their father's death, their mothers had to live as they had the responsibility of their sons and Tara also was living as she had the responsibility of her son Angad. But, Mandodari died as her only hope was Ravana and her sons were killed in the war by them. 

   Rama, was stuck very much by the devotion Mandodari had on her husband and told others to arrange for a proper cremation of both Ravana and Mandodari. From then on Mandodari was considered one among the Panch-Kanyas- the five Virgins.

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