Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Ganesh and the significance of the Holy grass (arugampulor Dhruva Grass)

The story goes like this! 

Once a the Devas(Gods) and the people in the world were tormented by an Asura named Analasura. He was named so, as he had the capacity to spill out fire from his mouth. With his powers everyone including Gods started getting scared and approached Lord Ganesha for a solution.
We all know Lord Ganesh is the primary God who is always ready to remove any kind of obstacles from his devotees. So, he readily accepted and Lo! went to fight with Analasura. But it was not very easy to defeat him. All the Shiva Ganas who accompanied Lord Ganesh were turned to ashes. Lord Ganesh thought of a solution and he swallowed Analasura. Even though, he was swallowed he was alive inside the Lord's stomach and was emitting fire every now and then. This caused a severe burning sensation in the body of Lord Ganesh. Everyone tried several means. The Devas even tried keeping blocks of ice from Mount Kailash on his head to bring the burning sensation down. But nothing served the purpose. So, Rishi Kashyap thought of a solution and brought the Dhruva grass and kept on his head. As he kept the grass Analasura who was inside the stomach of Ganesh died and the burning sensation immediately came down. Thus, we offer Dhruva grass during the worship of Lord Ganesh. 

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