Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna

Thursday 5 November 2015

Know the Significance of Diwali

"Diwali" or "Deepavali", however we call, all of us know that it's an important Hindu festival celebrated by 'n' number of Hindus all over the world. But, how many of us know the real significance of the festival, why we celebrate, and how we celebrate.

The significance of the festival changes according to the region. Today we will see why people from different regions celebrate this day.

Many consider this day auspicious as Devi Sathyabama, the wife of Lord Krishna killed Narakasuran, a demon king. Before dying, Narakasuran realised that Dharma always wins and asks for a boon from Lord Krishna that people all over the world should celebrate this day as "Diwali" and Ganga Matha should come and reside in all the water on that day, which will wash away the sins of the people. That's why people in South India, especially Tamilians ask "Ganga Snanam Aacha" which means "Is your bath in Ganga over?". This story is known to many of us.

But, this is not the only significance and the reason behind the festival of lights.

Rama Came Back from His Exile

Lord Rama had killed Ravana and the war at Lanka got over. It was already time for Lord Rama, Matha Sita and Lakshmana to return back to Ayodya as their exile period of 14 years was getting over. At the same time, Amavasya (New Moon Day) was also nearing. The people in Ayodya were scared that Lord Rama may miss Ayodya as there was no moon light in the night. So, the people of Ayodya decided to light lamps in front of their houses for five consecutive days to keep the darkness away. So the festival of lights- Diwali came into existence. It is said that this instance is also mentioned in a Sanskrit Literature called "Smruthi Mukthapalam".  So, even today many North Indians light lamps outside their house during Diwali.

Goddess Lakshmi's Birth

According to a Sanskrit book named ' Lakshmi Thanthiram',when the Devas and the Asuras churned the ocean of milk to acquire the Amrutha, various auspicious as well as poisonous things came out of it. Among it was Goddess Lakshmi. After the Amrutha came, Lord Vishnu took the form of Mohini and gave the Amrutha to the Devas alone. Then, he acquired back his original beautiful form and married Goddess Lakshmi on the day of Diwali. God in the form of Lakshmi Narayanan promised to the world that he would come to earth and bless everyone with health, wealth and prosperity on this day. Thus, many of us do Lakshmi Pooja on this day.

Dhanteras or Dhan Threyodashi

In Hinduism thithi is given importance. The day before Amavasya is called Threyodashi. According to legend, Kuberan prayed to Goddess Mahalakshmi on this day and acquired her blessings and became the most wealthiest man. So, in many households this day is celebrated as Dhan Theras and people buy gold, silver and other auspicious things on this day and do pooja to Mahalakshmi. They believe that doing Mahalakshmi Pooja on this day would keep them wealthy all through the year and they won't face any financial issues in the household.

Yamuna Bhai Dhooj

Here goes the story why many Indians celebrate Bhai Dhooj during Diwali. Many years before, the holy rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati lived in the heaven. The rivers Ganga and Saraswati were sent to earth to bring life back on earth and make it flourish, because of which even river Yamuna had to come along. Yamuna was the sister of Lord Yama and she was very devoted to her brother. The love and affection she had on her brother was immeasurable. She felt very sad as she had to leave her beloved brother. But, she had to sacrifice for the people on earth. So, both Yama and Yamuna went to meet Goddess Mahalakshmi for a solution. Goddess Mahalaskhmi blessed them that Lord Yama can go to meet his sister yearly once and river Yamuna will be considered as one of the holiest rivers in the world. She was also blessed to give life and bring prosperity in the world. It is believed that Lord Yama comes to meet his beloved sister every year on the day of Diwali. Whenever Lord Yama comes to meet River Yamuna she would take care of him very well. So, every year brothers and sisters in many places in India celebrate this day as Bhai Dhooj. It is said that whoever celebrate Bhai Dhooj acquire the blessings of Lord Yama and can forego the fear of death.

Though, the significance of the festival is different, still it is considered as a festival that brings everyone together.

May this Diwali bring health, wealth and prosperity in your life too! Happy Diwlai to All!

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