Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna

Thursday 31 October 2013

What is the meaning of Naraka Chathurdashi?

Diwali is fast approaching and I thought let me talk about the significance of this day and why do we celebrate this day with such a pomp.

This day is celebrated my the people of India with various significances and a lot of story is connected to it. Today, I would share two or three such stories that I have heard.

Narakasura ruled the kingdom of Pradhyoshapuram. He did a lot of penance and acquired a lot of boon. It is said that Nrakasura had attained a particular boon that he should not be killed by an animal or a human being or he should be killed on the land or in water. After acquiring such a boon from Lord Brahma he started thinking himself to be the most powerful and started killing all the people of his land and also started troubling all the Devas and Munis of the land. As usual our Devas approached lord Vishnu who said that he would somehow help them. It is that Narakasura had a very devoted son called Prahlad. Prahlad was very devoted to Lord Vishnu while Narakasura was dead against him as he felt that Lord Vishnu had killed his brother. Prahlad always uttered the name of Vishnu as "Narayana". He was given the training to utter the name of "Narayana" when he was in the womb of his mother by Narada. Prahlad was born in the house of sage Narada. Narakasura pleaded, begged and threatened his son in many ways, but Prahlad a staunch devotee of Lord Narayana was not scared. Finally one day, Narakasura got so vexed that he asked Prahalad whether his God Narayana would come from a pillar. He answered affirmatively and called his Lord. Lord Vishnu disguised himself as Lord Narasimha (half human and half lion) came out of a pillar, as Narakasura had acquired a boon that he should neither be killed by a human or an animal, and carried Narakasura and laid him on his lap and sat on a step, which was neither a land or water and tore Narakasura to pieces. Prahalad sang songs in praise of Lord Narayan and brought his anger down after he killed Narakasura. It is said that such a day is celebrated as Nara Chathurdashi.

Another story is that Narakasura was the son of Bhoodevi and had acquired a boon from Lord Brahma that he would be killed by none other than his mother which a mother would never do. After acquiring such a boon he started killing all the good people and abducted women. So all the people prayed to Lord Krishna who was ready to war against Narakasura. He called his wife Sathyabhama who was an incarnation of Goddess Bhoodvi herself to be his Charioteer. Sathyabhama agreed to that and the war began where Narakasura hurt Lord Krishna. On seeing the Lord getting hurt, Sathyabhama took the sword and killed Narakasura. As Sathyabhama was none other than Bhoodevi herself, Narakasura was killed. So that day is celebrated as Naraka Chathurdashi.

Many north Indians consider this day as very auspicious as Lord Rama after winning the war with Ravana returned back to Ayodya. The people of Ayodya rejoiced at the come back of Lord Rama and celebrated that day with pomp by lighting clay diyas. So is the reason to celebrate Diwali by lighting lamps.

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