Maayur was a small village. There was a small school in Maayur. But, many a parents weren't much interested in sending their kids to school. The school had a master.
Once, as usual, the master was taking his classes. He noticed a boy day- dreaming. The boy wasn't much interested in attending the class the master was taking. The master called the boy and asked him what the matter was and why he wasn't paying much attention to the class.
The boy told the master, " Sir, my father bought a pet monkey for me yesterday. I have left the monkey in the attic. But, I am very much worried about my monkey. I am thinking about him."
The master said, " Do not worry. I will give you a week holiday. There is a cave in the mountain. You can go to the cave and keep thinking about the monkey. Next week you come back to school."
The boy left the class. The master had thought that once the boy's enthusiasm about the new pet comes down, he may concentrate in the class.
The master called him and asked " Hey, have you finished thinking about your monkey?"
"Yes master. I won't think about my monkey anymore."
The master was pretty excited and asked, "Then, why don't you sit down?"
The boy replied, " I can't sit anymore. My tail is disturbing me if I sit on the bench."
The master was really amused. As the boy was thinking about the monkey, he had acquired the characteristics of a monkey.
One who thinks good attracts good.
One who thinks good attracts good.
We can look at this story in a different angle too!
We realize that the boy wants to forget about his monkey, but, finally he acquires the characteristics of a monkey as he isn't able to forget about it. Similarly, in today's world, we, human beings are stuck up in a vicious circle. The more we want to come out of it, the deeper we get stuck. Our mind wants to forget certain incidents that happen to us,but, instead, it gets deeper into our mind and heart as we keep thinking about it day in and day out.
We have to try to tame our monkey mind, to come out of the complexities of life.
Life is simple! Try to keep it simple!
Life is simple! Try to keep it simple!
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