This is a story about the great Hindu Mythological deity, Garuda, in the form of an eagle.

Rishi Kashyap was one of the son's of Lord Brahma. He was married and had two wives, Vinata and Kadru, who were the daughters of Prajapathi Daksha. As both Vinata and Kadru pleaded to Rishi Kashyap to grant them the boon to have children. Rishi Kashyap also granted them the boon. Vinata asked for two sons, while Kadru asked for thousand snakes as her sons. Both were granted the boon and they laid eggs. Kadru's eggs hatched fast and the snakes emerged from them, while Vinata's eggs didn't hatch fast. So out of curiosity Vinata broke one of the egg and a deformed bird came out of the egg. The deformed bird cursed Vinata for breaking the egg that she would lead a life of a slave until the second egg hatches itself and will come and relieve her from her curse. The bird flew away and become the charioteer of the Sun God named as Aruna. The second egg hatched after a very long time. By the time the egg could hatch, as per the curse, Vinata lost a bet with her sister and became her slave. When the egg hatched a large bird with shinning feathers which was also mighty came out. It was named Garuda, the King of birds.
Garuda grew as a boy with courage and power. He was also the Vahana of Lord Vishnu. When he attained a particular age, he noticed that his mother led a life of slavery. Unable to bear, he approached his step-mother and his Naga brothers for a solution. Who in turn told him to bring the Amritha, the elixir of immortality, which was in the possession of Gods, to relieve his mother. Garuda didn't think a moment. He immediately went to bring the elixir.
It was a gargantuan task as the Amritha was kept in a Kalash and was heavily guarded by a ring fire, a rotating blade and finally two poisonous snake. But he undauntedly undertook this task. The Gods knew his intention and there was a fierce battle between Garuda and the Gods. After having the victory over the Gods, he had the main tasks to do before he reached the Kalash. He took the waters of all the rivers in his mouth and extinguished the fire ring, then he became so small that he was able to pass through the rotating blade, and finally he won over the snakes too. Now, without spilling any Amritha he took the Amritha Kalash in his mouth. On his way back he met Lord Vishnu. He didn't want to fight with him. So there was an exchange of promise. Garuda promised the Lord that he would become his Vahana and would carry him wherever he went, and in turn Lord Vishnu promised him immortality even without drinking the elixir. After, this he started flying again where on his way, he met the Lord of Gods Lord Indira. He again didn't want to fight him. So he made a promise that he would bring back the Amritha back before the Nagas par-took it, and in turn Indira promised that he would make the snakes as his primary food. So to this day Eagles love snakes.
After the various exchange of promises, he placed the Amritha in front of the Nagas on the grass and released his mother from Kadru. The Nagas became really happy and went in to give their prayers before taking the Amritha. As they went in, Garuda took the Amritha back, but left a few droplets on grass. When the Nagas came back they couldn't see the Amritha, but saw a few droplets. They tried to lick the droplets and got a split tongue. So to this day, the serpents have a split tongue and shed their skin to maintain their immortality.
And, as the Garuda carried the 'Amrith Kalash', he is called the 'Amritha Kalash Garuda' and if he pray to him any major disease will get cured.
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